[ キャンセル ] [ 1506 ] 番の記事への返信を投稿

[1506] www.wuselbande.de.tl res
Sara mail home  07-09-04 05:22
you have very sweet ferrets and a beautiful side! I look repeatedly past!

I would be pleased if you would also visit my website about ferrets (and maybe sign my guestbook) !! :)

greeting from germany
sara and the wuselbande
[1507] Re: www.wuselbande.de.tl
Tama  07-09-04 22:49
Welcome Sara-san, Your ferrets are very cute.

I'm sorry, I don't understand German, and I also understand English for a little.

If you are pleased with my children, please visit my site again.

Thank you.

* アイコン